Email blast is an effective way to inform a large number of people about your company’s services or products. However, a few strategies must be followed correctly to achieve the desired result. Otherwise, your email blasting might go in the wrong direction. If you’ve been email-blasting people without following a proper method, like sending out unorganized emails to people. And wondering why it isn’t working out for you. Whereas it’s working out just fine for so many other business owners, then you’re on the right page. Let’s thoroughly examine some email blast examples and strategies of email blasting and the things we need to be cautious about.
In this blog, I will discuss email blast in detail, providing examples and tips that need to be followed for effective results.
Table of contents
- What Is Email Blast?
- Email Blast Examples
- Email Blast Sending Methods
- Email Blast Tips and Strategies
- How to Send Email Blast?
- Best Time to Send Email Blast
- Wrap Up
What Is Email Blast?

“Email blast” can be defined as the process of simultaneously sending a single email message to a large number of people. It’s another similar term is “e-blast.” For example, a particular brand’s owner sends a marketing email about cosmetics to all of their email subscribers or potential clients; here, that owner is email blasting.
Email blast synonym
Email blast has multiple similar terms or synonyms. And it is often discouraged to call it email blast as email “blasting” could sound negative. Hence, it mostly goes by its other familiar terms.
Some of the email blast synonyms are;
- Email broadcast
- Email marketing campaigns
- Email campaigns
- Eblast/e-blast
- Bulk emails
- Mass emails
Email marketing statistics
It falls under email marketing strategy and an old marketing medium that is still effective if done correctly. Let’s go dive into email blast statistics on email marketing.
It is estimated that 333 billion emails are sent and received daily worldwide, and this figure is projected to increase to 392.5 billion emails daily by 2026. Also, according to Statista, 79% of U.S. consumers stated they prefer to be contacted by brands via email. So, compared to other marketing platforms, email is quite effective at targeting and gathering clients and customers.
Another Statista survey states that globally, the email marketing platform was valued at 7.5 billion U.S. dollars, and the source has also projected that the figure would increase to 17.9 billion by the year 2027. So, it is true that email marketing performs the best! Also, email marketing has the highest return on investment (ROI) among all other marketing strategies. It shows that a company can expect around $40 in revenue for every $1 they spend; isn’t that just excellent? Therefore, sending blast emails in email marketing is vital and should be practiced by marketers.

What Do You Need for Email Blast?
Now that you know email blast is sending email marketing campaigns, you might be wondering what it really takes to run one. It’s pretty simple; you need only three things for it!

- First, you need to set your email marketing goals. You should set your aims and expectations from email marketing.
- Second, you need a good email list. You have to build a reliable email list to have engaging subscribers.
- Third, you need an email marketing platform to run your email blasts or campaigns. This platform is also referred to as an email marketing tool; take MailBluster, for example, which has various essential features and email blast templates to organize your emails.
Email Blast Examples
Let’s dive into the 3 best email blast examples! Thoroughly go through these following email blast templates for better email blast ideas.
Email blast example 1

FirstCry sent this email blast to announce their sale offers to their customers. They have beautifully organized their email and mentioned the necessary details with suitable images in the email.
Email blast example 2

The Body Shop sent their leads this International Women’s Day email to honor the special day and provide International Women’s Day offers. They have organized this email blast template well, with a nice heading and message that perfectly suits the occasion.
Email blast example 3

Shopify sent this survey email to collect customer feedback. They have nicely written the email and embedded a button to take the survey. The main thing you should notice here is the email footer section; they ended the email by sharing both their social media handles and an unsubscribe link.
Email Blast Sending Methods
Before diving into how to send email blast and email blast sending strategy let’s learn about it’s methods. Though by definition, it seems to be just sending out bulk emails, more needs to be done for this strategy to work. Hence, there are two methods based on how people use this approach; we can name them improper and proper.
Improper email blast method
The ‘improper’ or wrong one is unsuitable and used without following any strategy. This method is done without segmentation, targeting, and personalization of audiences, along with other necessary aspects. It includes buying an email list, which isn’t really good for your email campaign as it can increase your email bounce rate. Undoubtedly, the ‘improper’ method isn’t a wise move to choose, and it’s unlikely to be successful, so you need to be very careful about it.
Proper email blast method
The ‘proper’ or the right one is suitable and used by following strategies that include segmentation, targeting, and personalization of audiences and other necessary features. Unlike the improper one, it is more likely to be successful, and it’s indeed one of the new best practices in email marketing. You don’t even have to do it on your own; instead, you can do it via email marketing tools like MailBluster, as they provide the necessary features that the user needs for proper email blasting.
Email Blast Tips and Strategies
Let’s get some email blast ideas. You need to be cautious about how to send email blasting and avoid going for the “improper” move. This is because it has no strategy, as mentioned before; it’s simply just sending unsolicited bulk emails. Hence, go for the “proper” one, choose a suitably effective email marketing platform, and follow the email blast tips and strategies given below:

Segment and personalize your emails
Segmenting your emails means dividing your target audiences into segments or groups according to similar preferences, age, gender, geo-location, behavioral characteristics, etc. As mentioned briefly, in improper method, there’s no segmentation, no behavioral targeting, and no personalization of audiences in the emails. There’s no personalization even in the subject line, which makes the receiver not even bother opening the email. Hence, as you can’t find out your subscriber’s interests and disinterests, you also don’t get to know who willingly wants to remain subscribed and who doesn’t.
Plus, the lack of a segmentation process would hit your marketing path pretty hard, as you’d end up with poor email lists, resulting in a lower open rate. On the contrary, according to Snovio, segmented email campaigns get a higher rate, increasing by 39% in revenue. Not only that, but the stunning fact is these segmented and personalized emails acquire 58% of revenue. Therefore, you really need to be concerned and include this feature in your email blasting.
Don’t be a “Spammer”
Additionally, unsolicited and poorly tailored emails might end up blacklisted and land in the spam folder. This most likely happens due to following the improper method. And the recipients hardly go through “Spammed” emails. Due to this, the sender might appear as an ‘annoying spammer‘ to the readers, which would be pretty pathetic and sad! So you need to make sure your emails are relevant to your audience’s interests.
Add an unsubscribe link in email
Adding unsubscribe link in email is essential for those who wish to unsubscribe from your email list. It might make a negative impression if they find difficulties with it. Don’t you think it’s always better to be with those who want your emails willingly? Otherwise, people will feel like you’re forcefully blasting them with your emails. Thus, your unsubscribe rate will remain low too. So, it’s always better to attach your email with an unsubscribe URL. You would rather focus on the quality of your emails more so the readers would happily remain subscribed!
Write well-organized email
Moreover, how you organize your emails matters to your audience too. Ever wonder why people are ignoring your emails? Perhaps you’re sending out poorly written emails. If you’re doing so, then it’s one of the main reasons for the ignorance of your emails, which can result in unsuccessful email blasts.
You should write your product-oriented messages in a very good manner. From addressing your audience to the end of your message, you should maintain a polite, gentle tone so that your email would be able to grab readers’ attention and engage them pretty well. You also need to focus on the visual aspects of your emails. The design and size of your email matter too. If your email looks lousy with so much unnecessary information and isn’t concisely to the point then your customers and subscribers would hardly read it.
Make your emails mobile-friendly
Also, the vast portion of the population uses mobile devices for communication and information sharing purposes, and that includes going through emails too. So, your emails need to be mobile-friendly. If your emails aren’t optimized for mobile phone devices and have a confusing design, then it’s obvious- it will never please the subscribers at all.
The rising mobile phone users demand mobile-optimized email templates. 81% of the users prefer to read their emails on their smartphones and tablets. The receivers tend to avoid those email templates which are unsynchronized with the mobile screen ratio. If your audience opens your email on their phone and finds it uneasy to read with difficulties like not zooming properly, unresponsive scrolling, etc., then there’s no doubt they will ignore your emails. So you need to be cautious about this matter, too.
Don’t oversend emails
You should refrain from over-sending emails to your clients and customers. Don’t over-send emails, and don’t try to push your sales. Rather, try to pull it instead. Some business services oversend emails to their audiences, thinking it would benefit their business. But if you do so, instead, your audience might get irritated by seeing your emails too much; ever think of it? It wouldn’t leave a positive impact on your business. There’s a saying: “Too much of anything is good for nothing”; excessive amounts of something can have negative impacts, so always try to remember it. Later on, we’ll go through a discussion of the best time to send emails; you’ll get an idea of which day to send email blast effectively.
Simply put, you need to practice email blasting by keeping in mind these strategies and being careful about these important facts so that you don’t get low open rates and unsuccessful engagement with your customers. If you want your email blast to work perfectly, then focus on doing it in the right way.
How to Send Email Blast?
So, how do you send an email blast? To know how to send email blast, you need to learn how to create an email campaign. Check out the following tutorial video. With MailBluster, you’ll certainly do it without any hassle!
Best Time to Send Email Blast
The best time to send an email blast or email campaign depends on the content/topic of the message, the habits/lifestyles of your audiences, and the day of the week. Let’s consider some possibilities for the best time to send out email blast.
Best day to send email blast
The best day to send email blast could be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, as Monday is usually the week’s busiest day.
Regarding Friday, people try to finish their weekly tasks and not leave anything for the next week. So they don’t have any rush next week. Hence, it will be wise to avoid Friday.
And now we are left with Saturday and Sunday only. So how about these two days? These two fall on the weekend, making it problematic. See, weekends are mostly for family and are often considered family days. Most people like spending their weekends with family or just relaxing without any mood for email readings.
Best time to send email campaigns
Morning is the best time to send emails, as a majority of people have the habit of going through their phones in bed after waking up. About 58% of adults start their mornings by checking their emails.
From 8 pm to midnight is an efficient time and holds a high possibility for your emails to get seen. Because people are usually free during that time, and most of them have a habit of going through their mailboxes before going to sleep.
Worst hours to send email
It’s better to avoid working hours, as people will be involved and busy with their work. The lunch break hour wouldn’t be a wise idea either, as people will be busy having lunch. And especially, ignore rush hours as people commute for their work or home. Their minds will be occupied with commuting stuff, so it would be inconvenient for them to read emails during rush hours. Hence, rush hours could be the worst hours for sending email campaigns.
Wrap Up
Email blast holds an essential place in the email marketing field and has both suitable and unsuitable methods. And the unsuitable one is the reason that would more likely take you in the wrong direction in the field of email marketing. Especially this should be used with better segmentation, targeting, and personalization features, which you can get from a cost-effective email marketing platform like MailBluster; that’s here to help your journey in email marketing easier than you anticipated.