To archive a campaign, simply click on the three-dot ellipses next to your desired campaign in the Campaigns list. Then, click on Archive campaign and your campaign will be archived.

Alternatively, you can bulk archive campaigns by clicking on the checkboxes as shown below.

Then click on Bulk action > Archive campaign.

Your selected campaigns will be archived, and a notification will appear as shown below.

If you want to check the list of archived campaigns, then click on the three-dot ellipses from Campaigns list and click on Archived campaigns.

It will take you to the list of Archived campaigns. Click on the three-dot ellipses of your desired campaign from the Campaigns list, then click on Unarchive campaign. Your selected campaign will be restored from the archived list.

You can also unarchive selected campaigns by clicking on the checkbox as shown below.

Then click on Bulk action > Unarchive campaign. A notification stating ‘n number of campaigns unarchived’ will confirm the action. You will then find these campaigns restored to their respective order.”