Email automation in campaigns acts as a helper that sends emails automatically based on specific triggers, such as when new leads subscribe via your website/app or when sending a series of emails in succession. Instead of manually sending each email, the system handles it for you, making the process more efficient and organized. You can use automation to send Welcome Emails and Email Sequences.
MailBluster has a basic automation feature. Using this, you can automatically send emails (or a sequence of emails) to your recipients who subscribed to your website.
This is how an Automation works in MailBluster – basically when a lead subscribes to your website, a subscription event occurs. At that time, the system checks if you have any activated workflow that will get triggered by the subscription event. If an activated workflow is there, the lead will start its journey by following the workflow steps. When the lead subscribes, if no workflow is activated, the event will not trigger any workflow. So, the workflow should be active before the lead subscription happens. You can add/set a delay (for example 12 hours/1 day) before sending any campaign in the Automation workflow.
This is an example of an Automation workflow in MailBluster:
If you modify the Automation workflow, the behavior may vary for each lead because not all leads start the workflow at the same time. Different leads will be at different steps depending on when they entered the workflow. Leads that haven’t yet reached a newly added step will be eligible for it, while those who have already completed the workflow will not be affected by the changes.
MailBluster has basic automation. Using the automation feature, you can send a sequence of emails to your recipients when a visitor subscribes to your brand.
Currently there are only 2 triggers (options) available right now.
The first trigger will let manually subscribed leads (email IDs stored in Leads section) receive automation emails which is always enabled by default.
The second trigger will apply to imported leads through CSV File if they are set to subscribe. This can be enabled or disabled by ticking on the checkbox.
Please Note: The campaign management and campaign reports can be found inside the workflow of Automation.
Currently, MailBluster has basic automation with two available triggers. One trigger allows the leads to get automated emails while being import to a specific brand through a CSV File. The other trigger is for new leads or subscribing existing leads. Other automation triggers will be available in later release of MailBluster.
Reports for Automation emails are generated inside Automation section. To track these campaigns under Automation, you need to check your Automation Workflow from time to time.
Here is how you can access the report of your individual Automation workflow.
Each Automation Report can be found under Automation > Workflows. Select any Workflow and then click on 3 dot (…) ellipsis. Then click View Report.
After clicking View report under Workflows, you will see a generated report like this based on your email campaigns set in the workflow:
If you import another new subscribed lead, the lead will be in Waiting state before starting its journey through the Automation workflow:
And if the lead already started the workflow, then it will show In progress as shown below:
Once the lead finishes its journey through the workflow, it will be added to Finished as shown below:
Please note: Automation reports are not generated in the Reports section of MailBluster; they are only available under Automation Workflows.
A Welcome Email in email marketing is the first message sent to new subscribers who have just signed up for a newsletter, service, or product. It’s a way to greet them, confirm their subscription, and often provide a warm introduction to your brand. Welcome emails usually thank the subscriber for joining to encourage further engagement.
1. To send Welcome Email from MailBluster, first go to Automation under Campaigns. Click on Create new.
2. Create workflow opens. Enter the Workflow name and Workflow Description. Then click Create workflow.
3. Click on the Start workflow and tick the checkbox Trigger on imported leads and then click Update button.
4. Now click on the circular “+” sign and under Add new step, you will get two options: Delay and Send Campaign. Delay allows you to set schedule for that campaign while Send campaign allows you to set the campaign for sending.
5. If you select Delay then the following option appears, through which you can delay your particular campaign.
6. If you select Send campaign then you will be forwarded to Edit campaign which is show in the next screenshare.
7. Click on Edit campaign button.
8. Now enter campaign details as shown below. Click on Content.
9. Here we have set a sample campaign.
10. Now scroll downwards and click Update step
11. You can repeat step 5 and step 7 and create another campaign.
The workflow should look like this.
12. Click Activate to start the Automation workflow.
13. Now import new leads (who has just subscribed) from Add new > Import leads and attach a CSV file then click Continue.
14. The subscribed leads will receive the Automation campaigns.
15. Make sure the Workflow remains Active while you import new subscribed leads into MailBluster.
Please Note:Automation emails are paid emails because they don’t have any branding on them.
Automation emails are not eligible for your old leads or while importing the same old subscribed leads. It is only eligible for newly subscribed leads. If you try to import the same old subscribed leads, then the leads won’t receive your automated emails.
When you define a campaign with a template in the Automation workflow, that campaign will be sent as a marketing email to new leads who subscribe to your brand and are imported via a CSV file in MailBluster. This means that when you import a CSV file with leads marked as subscribed, they will automatically receive the campaign you’ve set up in the Automation workflow. If you’ve set a delay, the email will be sent after the specified delay duration.
Automation emails are not being sent to those imported leads that are already stored in the Leads section with ‘subscribe’ status.
Also, if you fail to enable this trigger before starting the workflow, the subscribed leads will not receive automation emails.
Please note: Automation is a paid feature, and hence, MailBluster does not brand itself on these emails. There is no way to send automated campaigns without any cost.
If you change the workflow, the behavior may vary for each lead because not all leads start the workflow at the same time. Leads will be at different steps depending on when they entered the workflow. If a lead hasn’t yet reached a newly added step, it will be eligible for the step. However, if a lead has already passed a modified step in the workflow, it won’t impact the lead.