You might see this error after you have created a campaign, selected a segment, and clicked the Send Campaign button.
This error occurs because the segment you are using is outdated. This means the segment you selected is using conditions such as leads with campaign activity older than 6 months. MailBluster highlights this error, marking the selected segment in red and showing “Segment has been outdated.
Now if you go to your campaign and further inspect, you will be able to resolve the issue. Go to your Draft campaign and click on the Standard Segment that you selected for this Draft campaign.
As you will notice, the segment will show a pop-up message showing that your segment is Outdated. Click on the Edit segment.
After clicking on “Edit Segment,” you will notice that the campaigns selected for this segment’s conditions (here we used “Campaign activity: did not open“) are more than 6 months old. You need to keep in mind that you should not use campaigns or segments that are older than 6 months. This is because MailBluster now keeps campaign activities for the last 6 months only.